Picture of plant growing in balcony

How to grow mint in Balcony Garden (Grow mint in any Season)

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It is surprising how fast a mint can grow without much maintenance. And yes, you can also grow mint in a balcony garden.

Mints are mostly used as culinary herbs and can be grown all year long.

So, if you want to know tips on How to grow mint in a Balcony Garden, keep reading this article.

Mintpicture of mint leaves

The plants of mint are very attractive with an amazing aroma and, their leaves can be used in various ways.

You might have seen mints being used in culinary worlds, especially in India.

One thing to note is that is mints are toxic for your pets – especially dogs. To know about plants that are safe for your pets, check our content on 20 Low Light Indoor Plants Safe for Dogs and Cats [pet-safe plants].

But, remember: mints are also medicinal herbs that can be used for headaches, digestion issues, skin care, oral care, and even weight loss.

So, if you are one of those many people who use lots of mints, here’s a good thing for you: mints can be grown all year, even in the winter season.

And, if you feel like you need more mints, just pluck out a seedling and replant it in another pot.

How to grow mint in Balcony Gardenpicture of mint plant in a pot near window

There are many varieties of mints like spearmint, peppermint, basil mint, ginger mint, and so on to grow in your balcony garden.

But, all of these mint varieties are not edible. So, you need to make sure that you chose the right one.

If you ask me, you can grow peppermint which is full of flavor.

Once you have selected which mint to grow, then decide on how to grow mint in your balcony garden.

You can go two routes: either grow mint in water or simply in a pot.

Growing Mint in a Pot

Step 1: Choosing the Right Potdifferent pots with different seedlings

If you want to grow mint in a pot, you obviously need a suitable-sized pot.

You don’t want the pot to be too shallow as it would result in weak roots. So, go for those which are wide by about 8 inches and about 10-12 inches tall.

Also, make sure that the pot has good drainage so that extra water would not damage the roots.

Step 2: Locationplants placed in front of window

So, you have succeeded in choosing the right pot for your mint. Now, it’s time for a good place where the mint plant can flourish.

Mints are perennial plants that grow best in spring. They need a good amount of sunlight.

Remember: you need to avoid the plant from frost and give them ample sunlight during the winter season.

Step 3: Soilpicture of a hand mixing the soil

This is one of the most important steps while growing mints in a pot.

Make a mixture of – 1 part peat moss or coco peat, 1 part perlite, and 1 part compost. Or, you can simply buy the soil from your nursery.

Finally, after you have prepared the mixture, evenly layer out the soil in the pot without leaving any gap.

Step 4: Plant the seedlingmint plant seedling in a black plastic

You can directly start planting from a seedling rather than a seed as it would take too long to grow for a balcony garden.

So, buy a proper and healthy seedling from your nearby nursery.

Remove some soil from the middle of the plant to place the seedling. And then, cover the seedling with the soil properly.

Step 5: Wateringwatering the plant

Once you have planted the seedling, add some water to let the plant settle down.

Give enough water to the plant especially in the summer season. But, do not overwater the plant as it may not get enough oxygen to breathe.

During the winter season, the soil only needs to be moist. Just wear the soil about 3-4 times every week.

Step 6: FertilizationBunch of good soil in hands on ground background

For proper and healthy growth, mints also require fertilization like any other plant.

So, go for those liquid fertilizers that are found in the market as they can easily dissolve and do not cause problems of pests or insects.

Furthermore, you can also use organic manure or compost as fertilizer. They help the plant to grow a lot better.

Step 7: Harvestingpicture of mint leaves


Mints won’t take long to grow from seedling if proper watering and temperature are maintained.

Once the leaves are properly grown, you can harvest them and use them the way you like. Carefully pluck the leaves and wash them for use.

But, do not apply too much pressure to the plant (especially the root), or else they might come off easily.

BONUS TIP: Prune the leaves that have turned yellow and cut off the flower buds.

Growing Mint in Waterpicture of a note with mint plant in water pot in the front

Yes, mints can be grown in water without soil. It is a simpler and a lot easier method.

This method of growing mint is very helpful for those who have few resources for potting the plant in the soil.

  • Take a cutting of about 5-6 inches from a matured mint plant.
  • Remove all the leaves from the button of cutting. This will help the roots to grow.
  • Keep the cutting in a water-filled glass or bottle.
  • Remember to keep the plant warm, moist, and safe just like while growing mint in a pot.
  • Keep changing the water every day.

So, if you followed these steps, you can accept new leaves to develop within a few days.

Click this link here (20 Awesome Plants That Grow in Water) to know about awesome plants that can be grown in water.

Thus, you now can easily grow mints in your balcony garden using any of these two methods.

Remember not to put an excess of anything which can result in the destruction of your plant.

Image credit: unsplash.com

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